
Sweet Tooth Faves

I’m that girl that will carry around candy in her purse to eat at any moment of the day. This was a quick snapshot one day after I had stocked up! As much as I enjoy eating healthy, I have the largest sweet tooth ever! I have tried many different types of sweets, but I have some that always can hit the spot. I have compiled together a list of my faves that I think you’ll enjoy! I also try to post some of the updated foods that I eat each week on my Instagram stories! Some healthy, some not – but always something delicious!

For me personally, variety is always really nice to have because then I don’t get sick of the snack I am eating, and can switch it up! I will name my top 5 favourite sweets to eat. The past couple weeks I have been eating super unhealthy so unfortunately, I will not be indulging in one of these amazing snacks while I write this, but I hope it gives you the inspiration to try something new from one sugar addict to the next 😉 

Cinnamon Buns

I don’t know what it is about that cream cheese icing but it gets me every time!! A warmed up extra saucey cinnamon bun is my weakness! Especially the ones from Whole Foods, or Cinnabon. I went on a binge of these buns a couple months ago and was eating them every couple of weeks with my boyfriend. Even went out of my way to make them at home. I will eventually try homemade ones though….YUM

Strawberries & Nutella

This is probably one of my most regularly eaten sweet snacks. I convince myself that it’s not half bad for me because it is natural fruit and there are much worse things I could be putting into my body, but nonetheless, I know how much Nutella I shove into those berries. I could definitely eat strawberries straight on their own for the rest of my life.

*sidenote: strawbs are one of my fave foods EVER

Half-Baked Ben & Jerry’s Icecream

Ice-cream isn’t usually my favourite to eat but half-baked icecream is a game changer! Not only does it have brownies and cookie dough mixed in it to munch all up, but it has chocolate and vanilla ice cream too! If you haven’t already tried this magical ice cream I don’t know what you’re doing with your life. I’ve tried the half-baked peanutbutter cookie dough one as well and would not recommend it on such a high level as this one. The dough is quite hard and doesn’t have the same texture.

Sweet & Sour Mixed Gummy Candies

I’m in a little predicament here you see… My work keeps bags and bags and BAGS of delicious gummy candy in the office to eat at all hours of our shifts. This is the best and worst thing that could happen to me. It gives me all the options to choose from, and you can’t forget that I love the variety but there is just too many options and way too much to eat always! Some (but not all) of the candies I am loving right now:

  • rainbow sour belts
  • red & orange dinosours
  • bubble gum coke bottles
  • cream soda coke bottles
  • cherry gummies

…the list could go on hehe

Oatmeal Apple Crumble


omgggggg this dessert is to die for! Again, mixing fruit with sweets (or anything for that matter) is amazing. The mixture of oats, cinnamon, apples and brown sugar make such a delicious combo. I found this recipe on Pinterest that makes apple crumble for one when you are at home by yourself!!! It’s pretty dangerous I must say but so worth it.

This list is in no particular order because I cannot choose between these amazing snacks. Please please let me know in the comments if you think there are any desserts that I am severely missing out on because your girl needs to find out asap!