
25 Things To Do Before You’re 25

My 23rd birthday just came around the corner, and I can’t help but feel a little old… No longer are the days where I can lump myself into ‘just graduated high school’ or ‘started university’ because I just graduated from that as well. I can say that I have had such a great time in my late teens and early twenties, going on some crazy adventures, but I do not want the fun to leave anytime soon.

I have compiled a list of 25 things that one should do before you hit the big quarter century. Some I have already done, and others I will be trying my best to accomplish in the next couple years! Time goes by so quick, so you might as well be enjoying it and living it to the fullest. Even if you don’t follow it word for word, I hope that your able to take at least one thing from this list of advice. Happy living!

1. take a trip alone

It doesn’t have to be a very far or long trip, but I think for your own personal growth, doing things on your own really helps you learn a lot about yourself.

2. find a hobby you are passionate about

As life gets busier and more complicated the older you get, finding a hobby that can help clear your mind when things get tough can be really beneficial.

3. go to las vegas

Vegas is one of those places you just have to cross off your bucket list. As much as I don’t want to say it, girls in their early twenties have the potential to have an amazing memorable trip without having to spend much money.

4. bungee-jump

Bungee-jumping was one of my most exhilarating and proud moments that I have ever done. Anything to get that adrenaline racing.

5. travel to a new country without having anything planned

Improvising and working out things as you go has helped create some of the most memorable trips in my life thusfar.

6. have multiple jobs

Be able to have multiple things on your resume and to know off the bat, jobs you don’t want to pursue.

7. keep your body healthy and strong

Whether that is joining a gym, or feeding it right, but after 25 your body will not bounce back as easy as it used to, so you better take care of it!

8. make rash decisions

Most of my worst/rash decisions end in funny memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

9. eat good food – often

No matter how much you diet or care for your body, having release days to try new delicious foods without regret keeps your mind and body at peace with each other.

10. stop beating yourself up about your bachelor’s degree you haven’t used

You gained a lot more than just a piece of paper, remember that.

11. realize that you won’t ever make everyone happy, and be okay with that

Be unapologetically you.

12. never stop learning

I love learning, whether that is in an institution or through your own self-exploration. Learning = Growth

13. tell people you love them

You never know when it will be the last time.

14. find passion in your life

Life is too short to not have firey passion embedded throughout.

15. find people who make you laugh really loud

This is important.

16. start a savings plan for your retirement

While you’re young and able to work multiple jobs at once, save some money for your retirement. Pension plans are not much help, especially in an expensive city like Vancouver – every dollar counts.

17. take advantage of health insurance while you still have it

This is key! That shit is expensive.

18. become a morning person

Take advantage of all the sunlight you can. Waking up earlier creates more hours for productivity.

19. set goals for your future

Write them down, tell people. Be accountable for your goals and choose how you want your future to look.

20. try pole dancing class

Why not 😉

21. don’t let time pass by if you’re not enjoying yourself

Always strive for happiness. Change things if you aren’t happy.

22. enjoy nature & sunshine as much as possible in our busy lives

Get outside and away from all the technologies that are cluttering our lives: hike & suntan.

23. stop wearing high heels if you hate them

Tell yourself no – you always regret it.

24. go to a music festival

Experience your favourite artists live with all your friends and thousands of others. The whole experience is one that I recommend.

25. invest in your own espresso machine.

Let’s be real, Starbucks is really expensive and you could save so much money by buying your own.

Thanks for reading. I would genuinely like to know which of these on the list inspired you. Let me know if there is anything you think should be added or would be a part of your own 25 before 25 list!
pc: @bookbarista