smoothie bowl, banana, blueberry, granola, chia seeds

Smoothie Bowl

Last week I tried out my own version of a smoothie bowl! It’s quite a simple treat to make, and honestly, you can eat it for breakfast, lunch, or dinner! It’s pretty healthy so that’s always a plus! Fruit is one of my favourite foods so I can definitely see myself making this in the near near future like maybe tomorrow haha. Makes only 1 portion, but you can double the recipe for you and a friend! Hope you enjoy!


1 full banana (ripe or green – I prefer on the greener side)

3/4 cup of frozen blueberries

1/2 cup of frozen strawberries

1/2 of canned peaches (in water)

4 tbsp of vanilla greek yogurt

3/4 cup of almond milk

1/4 cup of chunky granola

1 tsp of chia seeds

Step 1:

Throw 3/4 banana, all peaches, all blueberries except for 2 tbsp or small handful, all strawberries except 4 into blender.

Step 2:

Put greek yogurt and almond milk, blend all together for 45 seconds to a minute, it will be a thick consistency

Step 3:

Pour the smoothie into a medium bowl, slice the remaining banana into small thin slices

Step 4:

Arrange banana along one side of the bowl in two rows, sprinkle granola in an arch pattern below banana, do the same thing with chia seeds. Be careful to keep toppings on the surface of smoothie, then add the remaining frozen berries on top.

Step 5:

MUNCH nom nom haha